First Impressions

First Impressions

First impressions matter. That’s why our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and various other authority figures taught us this concept from an early age. We’re told to dress well and clean up before meeting new people. We’re asked to be polite and respectful when we meet new people. And then, of course, there is the age-old advice to always wear clean underwear because you never know when you may get into an accident. Did you realize that these bits of advice were each about making a good first impression? In short, first impressions matter and that’s what we’ll discuss at great length throughout this short guide.

First impressions matter in all areas of your life, from your career (think job interviews) to your personal life (talking to that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop).

In this guide, we’ll take a look at why first impressions have such an impact on us and when it’s important to make sure the impressions are particularly good ones.

Times are changing and often we meet people for the first time online. Dating sites are a good example here. At other times, we have relationships with others completely online, like the remote team member or consultant at work that you only know through email and Skype.

To make sure you’re ready to make a good first impression, no matter where you are, you’ll find two different chapters a little further down. One is dedicated to making a good impression offline or in “real life," while the other covers making a good first impression online.

Sure, there’s a little overlap between the two topics, but there are plenty of different things we need to cover. What you wear has no impact on the email you’re writing, while your email name or signature has no direct impact on the first impression you make with your professor on the first day of classes.

You’ll find plenty of tips to rock that first impression, no matter where you are or whom you’re meeting for the first time. Mastering this skill and getting it right more often than not will make your life go much smoother. It will become easier to start and maintain new relationships in all areas of your life.

